Iris Workshop 2024

3 June – 7 June 2024, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Program Location Organizers Registration Practical information


The fourth edition of the Iris workshop will be held in Zurich and it will be focused on Iris-related research to allow for in-depth talks and discussions. There will be a three-day long program with talks from Monday 3 June until Wednesday 5 June. Participants are encouraged to stay 1-2 days longer if they can, for more informal discussions and interaction.


Monday (3 June)

Tuesday (4 June)

Wednesday (5 June)

Thursday (6 June) – Friday (7 June)


ETH Zurich

The workshop will take place in the Alumni Pavillon next to the ETH main building. [map]
Leonhardstrasse 34
8092 Zurich, Switzerland

For the discussions on June 6 and June 7, we have reserved the following rooms in HG (the ETH main building):
E 33.1, E 33.3, E 33.5, F 26.1 (only on Thursday), F 26.3, F 26.5. ("E" rooms are on the ground floor, "F" rooms on the second floor.)

The workshop dinner will be held on Tuesday June 4 in Uto Staffel, Gratstrasse 6, 8143 Uetliberg. [map]



For registration, please contact the organizers.

Participation is free of charge. The workshop is generously sponsored by ETH Zurich.

Practical information


Mid-​range hotels near ETH: Hotels further away:

Information for other well-​priced hotels in the city of Zurich, in all categories, is also available at the preceding link and from many other websites.

Getting to Zurich

Zurich is located in the heart of Europe and well-connected by train and plane.

Getting to ETH

ETH Zurich is located in the center of the city and easy to reach.

From Zurich HB (main station), follow the signs towards "Bahnhofplatz" or "Bahnhofstrasse" until you are above ground and outside the station. Then take either:

Note that there are many tram stops around the main station. The links above show where exactly the two relevant stops are located. There are vending machines for tram tickets at each tram stop; they accept coins (with change, but no bills!) and credit cards. You can get a "Kurzstrecke" (short trip) ticket, which costs 2.80 CHF.

From Zurich airport: You can either take the tram to ETH or a train to the city center (Zurich HB):

What to do in Zurich

The tourist information website provides lots of information about what to do in Zurich.