A Higher-Order Concurrent Separation Logic Framework,
implemented and verified in the Coq
proof assistant
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Iris is a framework that can be used for reasoning about safety of concurrent programs, as the logic in logical relations, to reason about type-systems, data-abstraction etc. In case of questions, please contact us on the Iris Club list or in our chat room.
Some useful resources designed to learn Iris and its Coq implementation:
A selection of papers that are suited to get started with Iris:
Below, we give an overview of the research that uses Iris one way or another.
Case studies, MSc theses, abstracts, talks:
The Iris project has been supported by the following grants:
Grants from The Danish Council for Independent Research, Sapere Aude: DFF–Advanced Grant 2013 (more information)
2015 ERC Consolidator Grant (more information)
Villum Investigator grant (no. 25804) from The Villum Foundation from 2019-2025. (more information)