Iris Workshop 2025

June 2 – June 6, Inria, Paris, France

Program Location Organizers Registration Practical information


The fifth edition of the Iris workshop will be held in Paris, France. It will be focused on Iris-related research, so as to allow for in-depth talks and discussions. The three-day-long program, with talks, extends from Monday, June 2 until Wednesday, June 4. Participants are encouraged to stay for one or two more days, on June 5 and June 6, for further informal discussions and interaction.

Jane Street

The workshop dinner will take place on the evening of Monday, June 2. It is generously supported by Jane Street.


If you would like to propose a talk, please write to us with a description of your talk (a title and abstract). If the talk is based on a paper or preprint, please attach it or provide its URL. You may indicate whether you wish to give a regular talk or a long talk (but we may not be able to honor your wish). The deadline for talk proposals is April 25, but there is no reason to wait: send your proposal as soon as possible!


Inria Paris

The workshop will take place at Inria, 48 rue Barrault, Paris, France (directions; map).

Once you enter the building, the Lions amphitheater is on your right, next to the entrance hall.



Registration is expected to open in March 2025.

The registration fee covers the lunches and coffee breaks during the main event only (from June 2 to June 4). Finding accommodation is up to you.

Practical information

Directions to Inria

Traveling to Paris


Here are some places where you can find food near Inria.

Pastry, bread, and sandwiches:




Here are some suggestions for accommodation. The number of stars is the hotel's official rating and is also an indication of its price range. The hotel's distance to Inria is indicated in minutes on foot.

The following hotels are closest to Inria Paris:

The following hotels are a bit further away:

Bed and breakfast: