
Session Types meet Separation Logic

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Actris is a framework for reasoning about message-passing concurrency using higher-order separation logic.

Actris introduces the concept of Dependent Separation Protocols, which merge the ideas of session types with the expressivity of higher-order separation logic.

Actris is built on top of Iris—a state of the art concurrent separation logic.


2024 POPL, Deadlock-Free Separation Logic: Linearity Yields Progress for Dependent Higher-Order Message Passing,
Jules Jacobs, Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen, and Robbert Krebbers.
2023 ICFP, Dependent Session Protocols in Separation Logic from First Principles,
Jules Jacobs, Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen, and Robbert Krebbers.
2023 ICFP, Verifying Reliable Network Components in a Distributed Separation Logic with Dependent Separation Protocols,
Léon Gondelman, Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen, Mário Pereira, Amin Timany, and Lars Birkedal.
2022 LMCS, Actris 2.0: Asynchronous Session-Type Based Reasoning in Separation Logic,
Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen, Robbert Krebbers, and Jesper Bengtson.
2021 CPP [Distinguished Paper Award], Machine-Checked Semantic Session Typing,
Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen, Daniël Louwrink, Robbert Krebbers, and Jesper Bengtson.
2020 POPL, Actris: Session-Type Based Reasoning in Separation Logic,
Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen, Robbert Krebbers, and Jesper Bengtson.