Lars Birkedal, Aleš Bizjak
Iris is a framework that can be used for reasoning about safety of concurrent programs, as the logic in logical relations, to reason about type-systems, data-abstraction etc. In case of questions, please contact us in our chat room.
Below we provides notes from a lecture introducing to Iris. The lecture notes have been used in an M.Sc. level course at Aarhus University. See the page for an overview of research that uses Iris one way or another.
Week | Day | Lecture | Literature | Slides | Hand-in Exercises |
1 | Day 1 | Intro + Operational Semantics | ILN Sec. 1+2 | lecture1 | |
Day 2 | Basic Logic of Resources | ILN Sec. 3 | lecture2 | ILN Ex. 3.2 | |
2 | Day 1 | Basic Separation Logic: Hoare Triples | ILN Sec. 4.0 | lecture3 | |
Day 2 | Basic Separation Logic: Proving Pointer Programs | ILN Sec. 4.1 | lecture4 | ILN Ex. 4.1, 4.2, 4.5, 4.11, 4.21 | |
3 | Day 1 | Basic Separation Logic: Abstract Data Types | ILN Sec. 4.2 | lecture5 | |
Day 2 | Case Study: foldr | ILN Sec. 4.3 | lecture6 | ILN Ex. 4.29, 4.34 | |
4 | Day 1 | Later Modality | ILN Sec. 5 | lecture7 | |
Day 2 | Always Modality | ILN Sec. 6 | lecture8 | ILN Ex. 5.3, 6.2 item (1) (2) and (4) | |
5 | Day 1 | Concurrency: par + invariants | ILN Sec. 7.1 + 7.2 | lecture9 | |
Day 2 | Concurrency: ghost state | ILN Sec. 7.4 + 7.5 | lecture10 | ILN Ex. 7.6, 7.24 item (3), 7.29, 7.32 (the first triple) | |
6 | Day 1 | Concurrency: Case Study: spin lock + concurrent bag | ILN Sec. 7.6 | lecture11 | |
Day 2 | Concurrency: Case Study: counter modules | ILN Sec. 7.7 | lecture12 | ILN Ex. 7.37, 7.42. | |
7 | Day 1 | Weakest preconditions and fancy update modality | ILN Sec. 8.1 + 8.2 | lecture13 | |
Day 2 | Concurrency: Case Study: concurrent stack with helping | ILN Sec. 10 | lecture14 | ILN Ex. 7.43 (the one for incr), 7.47, 7.49 (the two specs for read). |